
We partner with nRhythm to implement a small part of their regenerative health index for healthy org and community design via our cross-group collaboration software.

2 years ago   •   2 min read

By Socialroots

Getting our roots nRhythm: learning to sense and improve the health of teams, organizations, and networks

A team with a wonderful balance of patience and efficacy, heart and brains, expertise and curiosity, nRhythm works "designing, operating, and resourcing organizations, networks, and communities working to address the world's most complex social and environmental issues". Their Regenerative Framework, offered through design sprints and labs, webinars and workbooks, a health index, consulting, and more is not to be missed. Informed by over half a century of deep experience and learning in business and non-profit management, ecology and psychology, conservation, community organizing, entrepreneurship, and more, this team brings metaphors from the natural world into solid, transformative practices.

Regenerative organization: “A  living, evolving and naturally functioning organization where abundance and resilience are recurring outcomes of its underlying health.”

If groups you work with are looking to lean into leadership and self-organization in ways that support the health of all involved, find what you can learn from nRhythm.

Socialroots and nRhythm came together through a shared lens of living systems design. We partner to bring early signals to people using the Socialroots tool about where and how they might look to better support team and network health. In implementing the bare minimum of their regenerative health index - much of which will not be sense-able through a tech platform - we have not only begun to build a better tool. We also know ourselves and our team better, and can sense earlier when modes of working with the people around us come from habits of old systems, less grounded in health as a core metric.

We believe that together, we need to slow down to speed up, to learn to nurture each other in order to heal ourselves, and our ongoing partnership with nRhythm grounds us in health as the long slow goal of dynamic balance, even on our busiest days.

If you'd like to dive right in, we love their perspective on strategic disruption, a timely webinar from the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

'Intentional Disturbance' with nRhythm's Jeff Su

The nRhythm website is also full of learning resources that support healthy teaming, taking a regenerative perspective, and more.

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